Saturday, June 2, 2007

Negotiation chapter 9 "Key Elements in Managing Negotiations within Relationships"

Reputation, Trust, and Justice are three elements that become more critical and pronounced when they occur within a relationship negotiation.

Definition of Reputation
A reputation is a “perceptual identity, reflective of the combination of salient personal characteristics and accomplishments, demonstrated behavior and intended images preserved over time, as observed directly and/or as reported from secondary sources” .

Importance of Reputations
•Reputation are perceptual and highly subjective in nature.
•An individual can have a number of different, even conflicting, reputations.
•Reputation is influenced by an individual’s personal characteristics and accomplishments.
•Reputations develop over time.
•Negative reputations are difficult to “repair”.

“An individual’s belief in and willingness to act on the words, actions and decision of another.”
•Recent research on trust and negotiation.
•Trust repair.

Justice can take several forms:
•Distributive justice is about the distribution of outcomes.
•Procedural justice is about the process of determining outcomes.
•Interactional justice is about how parties treat each other in one to one relationships.
•Systemic justice is about how organizations appear to treat groups of individuals and the norms that develop for how they should be treated.

Repairing a Relationship
•What might be causing any present misunderstanding?
•What might be causing a lack of trust?
•What might be causing one or both of us to feel coerced ?
•What might be causing one or both of us to feel disrespected?
•What might be causing one or both of us to get upset?

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